Sample: Free can of Surely Non-Alcoholic Wine.
Region: Surely Wine is available at Boisson store locations across the United States for this offer.
How to Score: Enter your phone number to receive the rebate offer. Purchase a can of Surely Wine from Boisson and send back a picture of your receipt.
Bonus Info: Score an offer for 15-percent off of your first two Surely Wines when you sign up for emails.
If you want to join in on the fun but stay sober, now you don’t have to stick to just water and soda. Enjoy a nice rosé with a can of wine from Surely that’s not only alcohol-free, it’s just plain free!
Those of you who prefer the alcoholic version of wine will undoubtedly enjoy a fine collection of free sample offers as well, available here.
You’ve heard of wine in a box, now there’s non-alcoholic wine in a can! Have your own wine tasting by scoring this offer for a free can of Surely Non-Alcoholic Wine! Enter your number to receive the rebate offer and buy a can of Surely Wine from a Boisson store. Send back a picture of your receipt and you’ll be Venmoed the money back.
Don’t let this offer age as long as a fine wine. Click here to score your free can of Surely Non-Alcoholic Wine!
Star Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Surely has been in business since 2021!
- This is offered directly from Surely.
- Enter your number for the rebate to score this offer.
- This Score is available as a rebate offer.
- This offer can let you join in on the party without the alcohol!