Sample: Free one-year Subscription to Cigar Aficionado Magazine.
Region: Cigar Aficionado Magazine is circulated throughout the country.
How to Redeem: Sign up for the freebie offer through Mercury Magazines. Start by filling in the form with your name and email and follow the steps from there.
Bonus Info: If you’re just getting into cigar culture, take advantage of Cigar Aficionado’s free Cigar 101 resources.
Those of you who aren’t interested in cigar culture can check out all the other fantastic freebies that are lighting up in our Samples section.
If you want to be in the know about cigar culture and other tips on travel, dining, and more, keep reading to see how you can enjoy a free one-year Subscription to Cigar Aficionado Magazine. Click here if you’re ready to roll with this offer now.
Just like with wine, people can get pretty into the culture of cigars and how to enjoy them. Dive into the interesting features of Cigar Aficionado Magazine with this offer for a free one-year subscription!
Start by filling out the form on the offer page with your name and email. Follow the steps to complete the freebie offer signup process and start your one-year Subscription to Cigar Aficionado Magazine.
Star Rating: 3/5 ⭐⭐⭐
- Cigar Aficionado Magazine is a lifestyle magazine with a focus on cigar culture.
- Cigar Aficionado Magazine is circulated throughout the country.
- This sample is offered by Mercury Magazines.
- This offer requires signing up through Mercury Magazine.
- This sample is a subscription.