5 Fun Fall Art Projects To Do With Your Kids

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There is no time better than fall to enjoy the depths of nature. There are pinecones, acorns, leaves, nuts, and other surprises to make this season bright and creative! Isn’t there something deep inside you that brings out an overwhelming desire to create something wonderful with your kids that can be admired throughout the season? Here are five projects to make, decorate and enjoy during this amazing time of year with supplies and ideas from nature to you!

Resin Coasters or Ornaments

Older kids like crafts, too, so let’s start with something cool to get them in on the festivities. These coasters are made with candy but you can substitute them with tiny gemstones, rocks, evergreen needles, acorn caps, and other choices to suit the occasion!

What You’ll Need

  • EasyCast Clear Casting Epoxy like this
  • Castin’ Craft Resin Spray Finish like this
  • Mixing Cups
  • Stir Sticks
  • Candy Corn candies (Or your choice of fillers)
  • Coaster mold like these


  • Wear safety gear…gloves, goggles or glasses, mask
  • Prepare the candy. Otherwise the candy will dissolve.
  • Coat candy with Resin Spray Finish by spraying a light coat on all sides and allow it to thoroughly dry until it looks shiny.
  • Assemble your coasters by mixing a small amount of resin for a base layer. 
  • Follow the instructions on the packaging carefully.
  • Mix equal parts of the resin and hardener solutions for two minutes.
  • Pour into a clean cup, and mix for one more minute. (1 ounce of clear resin for each coaster application)
  • Pour the first layer of resin into the coaster molds.
  • Remove any bubbles that rise to the surface. 
  • Allow to cure for at least four hours, until set but still slightly soft.
  • Arrange treated candy corn in a single layer on the first layer of soft resin in your desired pattern.
  • Mix a second batch of clear resin and pour to cover the candy corn.
  • Remove any surface bubbles.
  • Allow this layer to cure completely.
  • Mix the last batch of resin, 1 ounce per mold again.
  • Pour this last, and third, batch of resin over the cured candy corn layers.
  • Remove any surface bubbles, cover and allow to cure completely.
  • Remove the coasters from the molds and enjoy!

Turkey Cookies

This is an edible form of Thanksgiving art that your family will gobble up!

What you’ll need:

  • Oreo-type cookies (Orange or red filling looks great!)
  • Fudge stripe cookies
  • Hershey Kisses
  • Candy Corn
  • Chocolate frosting for “glue”


  • Carefully cut/saw the fudge stripe cookies in half.
  • Unwrap the kisses.
  • Start with the Oreo as your base.
  • “Glue” the kiss on the front of the Oreo with the frosting.
  • Glue the fudge stripe half, cut side down, on the back side to resemble the tail.
  • Glue one candy corn to the kiss for the wattle.
  • Arrange a gaggle or flock on a tray for a festive Thanksgiving dessert or store in an airtight container for later.

Autumn Leaf Bowl

This bowl will fill your need for fall! Though you could use real leaves, faux options will last longer, be sturdier while still bringing the beauty of nature indoors!

What you’ll need:

  • Leaves without plastic stems
  • Balloon
  • Mixing bowl
  • Mod Podge
  • Foam brushes


  • Blow up a balloon and place it in a snug mixing bowl.
  • With a sponge brush, apply an even layer of Mod Podge to the area of the balloon where you will form your bowl.
  • Apply a leaf, then a coat of Mod Podge over it.
  • Continue the same process by applying another leaf overlapping the first one.
  • Continue layering the leaves until you’ve reached your desired bowl height.
  • Be generous with the amount of leaves you use to ensure a durable bowl.
  • When leaves are in place, put plastic wrap over the “bowl”. This keeps leaves adhered down and you won’t have to keep pressing them back into place. Keep it in place for several hours, then carefully remove to let the piece finish drying.
  • Allow the leaves to dry completely (overnight).
  • Carefully pop the balloon making a small slit by the stem and let the air out slowly.
  • Trim any excess Mod Podge from the edges of the bowl.

Tip: The bowl will spread out so go a bit taller than you think you want. Use a lot of leaves. Stay with the leaves to make sure they stick. Patience will prevail resulting in a beautiful, fall keepsake!

Pine Cone Tree

Use pinecones and imagination and you’ll have yourself a tree that begins in fall and lives on through Christmas and winter!

What You’ll Need:

  • Pinecones 
  • Styrofoam Cone
  • Hot Glue
  • Glitter, spray paint optional


  • Clean pinecones
  • Using a glue gun, arrange pinecones on the styrofoam like the one pictured…beginning at the base and working upward.
  • Top with one cone pointing up.
  • Fill in any gaps with smaller cones or sweet gum balls.
  • Spray paint tips white for a snow effect. (Optional)
  • Spray with glue, then add glitter. (Optional)
  • Add fairy lights. (Optional)

Leaf Art Canvas

Decades from now your child will cherish the memories of childhood with prints from their own backyard or neighborhood!

What You’ll Need:

  • Fresh leaves with stems
  • Canvas, any size
  • Assorted paints
  • Paint brushes
  • Posterboard
  • Styrofoam or other disposable, flat item


  • Collect fresh leaves that are not crunchy or crumbly
  • Place a leaf, one at a time, on poster board or similar area.
  • Paint leaves, covering completely with your color choices, natural fall colors or a mix of vibrant  or multicolored options.
  • When painting is complete, gently lift the leaf by the stem and place painted side down on your canvas.
  • Press firmly with the styrofoam or other flat surface.
  • Gently remove the styrofoam and with the stem, lift the leaf off of the canvas, being careful not to smear.
  • Repeat the process with additional leaves until your canvas is completed to your taste.
  • Dry thoroughly.
  • If desired, add a sawtooth hanger to the back.

Related: 31 Free Things to Do With Your Family This Fall!